Application of Sea-Shield 2-part coating system on new paint and gelcoat. (Donwload pdf Versionmsds )

Application of Sea-Shield Nano Coating (Part 1)


1. Clean surface with Sea-Shield Multipurpose Cleaner or polish surface with Sea Shield Swirl Remover #3 or Sea-Shield Final Polish. Note: When using Sea-Shield Final Polish  by hand using a Sea-Shield Polishing Pad or for larger surfaces use a DA machine, such as a Porter Cable, on low speed and with a Sea Shield White Sealing Pad.

Sea Shield Nano CoatingOnce surface has been properly polish or on new paint thoroughly cleaned with either Sea Shield Prep Spray or Sea Shield Multipurpose cleaner carefully spray a small amount of product into a Sea-Shield Applicator and apply a thin even coating to surface. Within a few minutes wipe off excess with a high quality microfiber towel. If applying Sea-Shield Exhaust Guard do not wipe off excess. Simply let excess cure.

  • Important: Do not saturate or heavily coat either surface or applicator with product and do not overspray onto surface. This product takes 2 - 4 hours to fully cure depending on temperature. If overspray occurs and cures, buffing surface with Swirl Remover #3 and white pad will usually remove coating. Do not try using cleaners on treated surface. Coating is designed to withstand even the harshest cleaners for a period of time. Sea-Shield Exhaust Guard will not remove heavy overspray (beading) but will remove wipe marks.


  1. Sea-Shield Exhaust Guard. This product can be applied by hand or with a Porter Cable 5in. backing plate with a Sea-Shield Black Soft Pad. Apply a small amount of product to a 3’x5’ (1mx1.5m) surface (a thin line of product will spread out 1.5ft. (1/2meter) on either side. Applicator pad is designed to apply a thin coating to surface. Using Diagram #1 below as a reference. Quickly and evenly go over surface. If applying over Sea-Shield Nano Coating make sure cured wipe streaks have been removed. Wipe off product immediately with ahigh quality microfiber towel.


Diagram #1
