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"FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Oct. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- In a remarkable turn of events, arguably one of the strangest in the history of car care, a product designed to protect and add a deep, glass-like shine to multi-million-dollar megayachts is now being called the best automotive polish on the market.
"Think about it," says Francisco Linares, SEA-SHIELD creator. "Boats and yachts face the absolute harshest environment to an external nish: constant wind, sun, and salt.
Automobiles have it relatively easy by comparison. But we started hearing reports from places like Michigan, Utah, Colorado -- places with a lot of snow and salt on the roads in the winter -- and people absolutely love the protection SEA-SHIELD provides their cars." Visitors to the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show last weekend were surprised to learn that this premium exterior polisher and protectant has become popular among
high-end automobile owners and detailers. SEA-SHIELD has earned a well-deserved reputation in the world of mega-yachts due to its remarkable ability to not only protect and extend the life of boat paint and other exterior nishes, but to add a mirror-like shine that makes yachts look brand new. And now high-end automobile
owners are turning their backs on traditional car waxes and entrusting the care of their six-digit-priced cars to SEA-SHIELD.
The company hypothesizes that the trend of using SEA-SHIELD to dramatically extend the high polish and protection of a car's exterior began with mega-yacht crews, who were tasked with not only keeping the yacht's exterior nishes clean and protected, but also the various high-end vehicles belonging to the yacht owners. This elite, uber-rich group is notoriously picky, yet SEA-SHIELD's amazing mirror-like nish and
protective qualities managed to impress even them.
"We've seen cases where a car was polished and protected with SEA-SHIELD and left without further protection for over a year, and water still beads and rolls o the surface," says Linares. "That kind of outstanding weather resistance is what helps spread the word around." So next time you're visiting the yacht club and you see someone polishing a Bentley-GT with a yacht protectant, don't think they've gone o the deep end...once you see that Bentley glittering in the sun, you'll realize its owner is smarter than you think.
CONTACT INFORMATION: SEA-SHIELD is looking to expand distribution with retailers,wholesalers and detailers. If your favorite marine shop does not carry SEA-SHIELD products, be sure to ask them to - SEA SHIELD has a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee,so there is no risk in trying it out. SEA-SHIELD also has an aliate program for organizations interested in selling SEA-SHIELD products online. For more information
or to purchase the full line of products, visit or call 1-800-673-8886. For information on distribution or to become a wholesaler,
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